The Up Series is a series of documentary films produced by Granada Television that follows the lives of fourteen (14) British since 1964, when they were seven years old. The documentary have nine episodes - one episode every seven years - thus spanning 56 years.
The children were chosen from the original program " Seven Up " in 1964, to represent the range of socio-economic backgrounds in Britain at that time, with the explicit assumption that each chil's social class pre-determines their future.
** Quotes :
* " Life hasn't dealt too many easy cards for him. "
* " The mid-40's is a crossroad for people for life do change, and I don't want to
just suddenly find my self when the children have gone, I've got nothing in life.
I'm not very good at doing nothing. I have to be doing something ... I have to
have a goal or something to try and achieve. "
* " The whole purpose of bereavement counselling is that people feel very lonely
alone when they have lost someone very close to them, and a lot of people
don't have someone to turn to. "
* " As any child going through their parents splitting up at the age of 14, you're
very vulnerable and it does cut you up, but you know, you get over it. "
* " I never had a very close relationship with my parents. And I really don't know
them very well but in the last few years her (mother) life, we had become closer
and I think that's what I resent, that I lost her when I did because I was just
beginning to know her. "
* " All I wanted is to be here long enough, to see my children grow up and to be
independent people. What I really can't cope at with was if I died before they
were grown up. Its the only one thing I think every parent dreads is not
living long enough to see their children into adulthood. "
* " It is no good being brilliant if you can't communicate with you clients. "
* " Being a business partner - It really means you are under increasing pressure
to produce things quickly. "
* " That's fine, you have to meet pressures, that what people come and see you
for. "
* " I maybe depressed about my work but it doesn't mean I am depressed with
my life. "
* " I have reached a level in my life that I'm happy with, and I enjoy being me.
Although they never expected me to turn up the way they wanted me to be. "
* " I'm a worker - not a businessman. "
* " I could be upset, I could be sad a bit, but a few minutes down the store -
I'm back to my own happy self. (people come and are happy to see me) "
* " Well, everybody has a row, we do have some from time to time, but we
always manage to sort it out. "
* " One thing I like about the younger generation is that they seem to have
more confidence. "
* " At 56 - Its the time when you can accept the decisions you made in the past -
wrong decisions - and live with that. "
* " When I think of the risks I took, the places I stayed, the people I associated
with, I swallow hard. "
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