HOMELAND is an American spy thriller television series produced by Howard Gordon and Alex Mansa based on the Israeli series Prisoners of War. The story centers on the CIA officer, Carrie Mathison, suffering from bipolar disorder who believes the US Marine sniper, recently rescued as a prisoner of war in Afghanistan, is a spy for Al Queda.
Cast of Characters : Claire Danes .......................CIA officer Carrie Mathison
Damian Lewis ....................US Marine Nicholas Brody
Mandy Patinkin ..................CIA Director Saul Berenson
Rupert Friend .....................CIA agent Peter Quinn
F. Murray Abraham ........... CIA Sr. Officer Dar Adal
Quotes :
** Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) Headquarter -- Langley, Virginia
** " You don't have to be a terrorist, all you have to do is to look like one. "
** " PTSD -- Post Traumatic Syndrome Disease
** " Once a scalp-hunter, always a scalp-hunter. "
** " Our strength is our suffering, and you provided us with your endless supply. "
** " You are all humanitarians when someone else is on trial. "
** " He has two secrets -- One he is willing to share and one he is willing to die for. "
** " He will do anything, he will say anything, to keep himself in power. "
** " The simple answer is usually the correct one. "
** " Earthbound ... you're either born with wings or not. "
** " Hampered by suspicion that never goes away. "
** " Presidents don't get chances ... they get tested. "
** " You break it, you own it, you don't quit and run. "
** " The Secret Service -- That they're the only real measure of the nation's political health.
The one true expression of its subconscious. "
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