A man searches for answers to Donald Trump's widespread support before the 2016 US presidential election. " Something felt very wrong and I needed to find out why. "
Enter stage and film director and film producer Jim Stern ... a self-described political junkie. Listening to people, regular folks ... voters ... providing insights into their viewpoints. Seeing tens of thousands not believing what he believes in, he begun to realize why voicing out things that you don't usually hear from the media and internet web sites.
Atticus Finch -- " You'll never really understand a person until you consider things from
his point of view. "
From a voter -- " I don't know what kind of president Trump will make but I know what kind
of president Hilary will make. "
Bestselling campaign t-shirt -- " Hillary sucks but not like Monica ! "
** Sociological Imagination -- Sociologist, to be able to get it right, you have to be able to
step out of your narrow existence, your own narrow
experience and sort of occupy this broader perspective
that allow you to see the bigger patterns of society.
-- C. Wright Mills
** Trump philosophy -- " You put a lock into your home so only those you want to come in
may enter. " His slogan appeals to reach out to disaffected white
voters who felt that they are somehow losing out because of
encroaching minorities and immigrants.
** Everything is racist -- " scape-goating" , to make America great again, and create a story
of this mythic American past that was great for everyone.
** " The US can't go back in time before globalization. US has 5 percent of the world's
population and they have to fit into the rest of the world. "
** Sentiment Analysis -- Trump has created a white man's world.
This is a huge deal that's gonna spiral out of control in terms of
what you have coming toward you. And that may be linked stories
but we know that those are highly subjected chosen and planted.
So the fake news phenomenon is just a manifestation of something
that always existed, but its much glaring because of how these
platforms function - FB, Googles and so on, whose content is
actually served to you based on your biases.
** Democracy -- is fundamentally about acceptance of multiple viewpoints and the ability to
rationally experience a world that's wider than your self. Its about an
atomized set of bubbles that you don't even know is constructed around you.
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