Wednesday, December 25, 2019


We are often  confronted with the decision of which road to take after our primary education on which road to pursue, take up courses that serves science and technology or opt for education in the scope of arts.  Most have been led to their career path by their parent's dream for them. The lucky ones are those who with enough resources and encouragement, are able to drive themselves to their visioned goals. But history choose figures that were able able to hurdle great difficulties to able to rise from great difficulties to be torch bearers and serve as inspiration for those who seek to improve themselves.

Great stories were made out of the lives of great men who succeeded. But they were actually one in a million for everyone who become champion, hundreds were stepped on and became failures in their quest. Success doesn't always translate to happiness and there have been too a lot of stories how lonely things are on the top. How often do we read stories of famed celebrities battle with drugs and addiction for pleasures they could not find in their stardom and at times lives ended by their own hands. 

There are no better roads,  it is how we see our travel that makes the difference. For every story of success there are million of stories unheard of on how people died in their bed smiling at the thought that though they were no deemed a fairy tale, they left behind seeds that will have better lives than the one they've had. Illiterates who were able to send their kids to school, farmer who planted trees whose fruits his children and grandchildren will get to eat, writers inspired by their miseries who wrote poems and novels to be read by future generations, landless ones who were able to bequeath a home for his family, and a lot more simple tales of simple lives shared. 

I wish everybody will spare a couple hours of their time to watch this wonderful movie. It tells more than just discovering and using your gifts. It tells about friendship, love and true happiness and how life playfully move us in a circle until we find the exit to it and find the right road to take.


Albert Einstein  defined insanity as doing the same thing over and over again but expect different results. One of the greatest scientist who ever lived, who could pose  an argument about such conclusion. That is what separates scientist from artist, the first tries different ways or methods (experiments) to arrive at a conclusion, go for a theory until actual figures can fully support a principle. 

Vincent Van Gogh   was considered insane during his time and was even mythologized in the popular imagination as the quintessential tortured artist. He was looked upon as one "crazy painter painting crazy things in crazy ways" but his so-called "crazy ways" powerfully influenced the current of expressionism in modern art.

There is no comparison  between the two, both of them occupy a certain height of fame and greatness and they took different roads to get to where they are.  Einstein took the road of logical thinking and was revered for developing a scientific theory that served as one of the two pillars of modern Physics while Van Gogh proved that there is no such thing as a "crazy idea", he was just way ahead of his time. He painted to express his self, his dreams and how he view particular subjects, be it a portrait or a landscape. 

Men of science seek to discover things that exist but people doesn't know about, harness nature's existing energies for man's use, work on to find explanation how nature and living things function the way they are and their relationship to each other and to men, and develop better use for things that we already have termed as technological advances. History will tell us that most of them were passion driven, unmindful of the hardship they have to undergo, criticisms and discouragements, and at times lived impoverish life to devote their time and their lives to fulfill their visions. 

Men of arts were different in their pursuit but went on with the same kind of passion. They sought to change the view of people towards existing norms that every new form of 
arts and fashion were deemed as some kind of rebellion against prevailing cultural traditions.
They think outside the box, go against public opinion to able able to express their own, and seek to forebear ideas that have never been thought of before. Arts have different forms, most of the time dividing the population, even a country whether to embrace the future or cling to the past.
Theirs is not to find logical explanation of things but express themselves in some other forms of communications such as music, portraits, photography or movies, and so forth.

There is conflict  between men of science and men of arts, only among people who lacked both gifts in scientific minds and artistic minds, who teach about the two and the critics and the people who prosper from their achievements. The world is a great tapestry composed of limitless strands of life of which we are a part of. We can only seek which slots we are destined to fill and for that we have to listen to our self, our heart and our spirits. This a matter of philosophy, for each of us have a gift, something we are good at, something other people don't have. The sooner we get to discover what gift we have, the sooner we'll get to find our rightful slot, the sooner we'll get to make our mark that we will be leaving behind for our future generation to learn and value our memories.

As for me,   I took the road of science but found myself like a square peg trying to fit a round hole.  Found happiness in the arms of a lady and worked on the other half of my life to make up for all the times I messed up. I went back to something I really love, watching movies and reading books, and selling them for a living. Though I may not be deemed as a success to most, unable to give my family a prosperous life but I believe I gave them a happy home. 

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